About the Company
SK materials performance is a polymer materials research company that develops and produces photo materials essential for drawing semiconductor circuits. Based on innovative R&D capabilities, SK materials performance is expanding beyond semiconductors to light-responsive displays and image sensor materials, advancing the cutting-edge future.
Based on advanced R&D capabilities, SK materials performance develops and supplies materials such as Photo Resist, Bottom Layer Anti-Reflection Coating(BARC), and Hardmask(SOC_Spin on Carbon), which is required for the lithography process of drawing semiconductor circuits. across industries.
It is a material that forms an image pattern by causing a change in solubility in the developer when exposed to light and radiation energy, and it is a liquid material composed of polymers, photosensitizers, additives, and solvents.
SK materials performance plans to achieve both Net Zero and RE100 by 2026, and share detailed reduction plans and implementation measures with stakeholders in the Net Zero report of SK materials Inc.
Through the CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project), SK materials performance will transparently disclose information related to carbon emissions and response activities from 2023, and will obtain the CDP Climate Change "B-Grade" in 2023.
SK materials performance has established its own environmental procedures in the fields of air, water, and waste, etc. in order to comply with state environmental laws and
regulations, such as the Clean Air Conservation Act and the Water Environment Conservation Act, and regularly checks the level of implementation.
In particular, in 2021, SK materials performance strengthened its own compliance monitoring process to monitor compliance with SHE laws and its internal regulations.
The company updated its internal compliance scorecard for environmental laws and regulations to reflect revisions to laws, recent SHE issues, and other companies’ violations
of laws, and ceach business site conducted a self-evaluation and the environmental management team verified the results.
In addition, SK materials performance manages pollutants emitted from its business site by applying stricter self-management standards than the legal emission standards.
Through this, we expect to prevent violations of laws and minimize impact on the environment.
Process | Enablers | |
Preparation of compliance self-check items and evaluation tables
Establishment of self-assessment guidelines and training
Regular self-assessment (once a quarter)
Review of self-assessment results (Environmental Management Team & SHE Planning Team)
Establishment of improvement plan
Report to the management
Implementation of improvements
Review of improvement results (Environmental Management Team & SHE Planning Team)
Standardization of assessment criteria |
Compliance assessment training |
Constant inspection |
Strengthening validation and improving reporting |
SK materials performance has established a Net Zero plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2026 and is implementing the reduction measures. In addition, by actively participating in and communicating with the government and related organizations, we will contribute to achieving a global climate goal,in line with the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.
SK materials performance has established a Safety, Health, Environment(SHE) policy to build a safe and healthy workplace and eco- friendly corporate culture, and is strengthening safety, health, and environmental management not only for its members but also for all stakeholders such as local communities, customers, and partners.
SK materials performance pursues the protection of humans and the environment as the highest value at all stages of its management activities, along with customer satisfaction through quality, and actively practices the following to secure the trust of members and stakeholders and for sustainable SHE & Quality management.
By continuously improving the SHE management system, we create a safe and healthy workplace tht all stakeholders such as members, local communities, and customers can trust.
thorough management of chemicals, and actively respond to the global climate change crisis by preemptively reducing greenhouse gases..
We thoroughly comply SHE laws, by-laws and stakeholders’ requirements, and secure the trust of stakeholders by disclosing information transparently.
All members recognize the protection of humans and the environment as the highest value, and actively participate in creating safer and healthier workplaces.
SK materials performance carries out preemptive activities, going beyond simple quality management, for zero customer safety accidents through compliance with international environmental management standards and customized services. It pursues customer happiness by providing customers with the best value in terms of quality and safety.
SK materials performance pursues customer satisfaction as the highest value through quality, and actively practices the following to secure the trust of members and stakeholders, and for sustainable quality management.
As a partner that creates the value of customer satisfaction, we pursue customer happiness by providing the highest quality products and services.
Through preemptive and advanced quality system operation and continuous quality innovation, we build customer trust in differentiated quality competitiveness.
Through the development of innovative products through technological development, we become the best partner to provide customer satisfaction.
All members do their best to implement the world's best quality management based on VWBE* organizational culture.
* Voluntarily, Willingly, Brain Engagement
SK materials performance pursues true mutual growth with the suppliers with which it has established cooperative relationships. It conducts initial and post evaluations regularly for its suppliers in the areas of management, technology, quality, environment, and safety, and aims to improve the ESG level of its suppliers through ESG risk assessment and management.
Sustainable Supply Chain Secure a management system
Responsible procurement
Shared growth with suppliers
SK materials performance has established a human rights policy that members must comply with to prevent human rights violations of stakeholders, such as suppliers, as well as members.
Based on the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, international standards and guidelines related to human rights and labor, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO Charter, and the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines, and SKMS norms, we seek to achieve business goals while playing a key role in social and economic development by creating value for various stakeholders, such as customers, members, and shareholders, and complying with social responsibilities and norms that contribute to the happiness of mankind..
We respect all members as human beings and strive to prevent any acts that violate human rights.
By complying with international standards, related laws and internal regulations for the working environment, we continuously strive to create a pleasant working environment and prevent safety accidents.
We do not force members to work against their free will by means of mental or physical restraint, and do not require the transfer of government-issued identity cards, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment.
We do not employ children and adolescents under the age of 15, and in the case of minors under the age of 18, comply with the labor laws and regulations of the local country to avoid engaging them in dangerous or hazardous wor
We follow regular working hours and overtime hours set by the labor laws and regulations of each country or region.
We set the wages of members to exceed the minimum level set by the labor laws and regulations of each country or region.
We do not discriminate in employment on any basis such as gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc., and we do not discriminate in working conditions such as wages and promotions for the same reason.
We guarantee the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with the labor laws and regulations of each country or region, and do not give disadvantageous treatment due to membership, activity, or formation of a trade union.
Everyone has freedom of opinion and expression, freedom to have opinions without interference, and freedom to obtain information, pursue ideas, and communicate opinions without restriction on borders and media.
In order to protect the human rights of all stakeholders, we protect the personal information of stakeholders in accordance with local laws. We do not use personal information for any other purpose without the consent of the person concerned.
Under the slogan of 'A company that grows together by sharing happiness with the local community,' SK materials performance strives to contribute to society by establishing a direction for solving social problems, fostering future talents, and sharing happiness.
Direction Solving social problems |
Fostering future talents | Happiness sharing activities |
Based on SKMS, SK materials performance pursues to play a key role in social and economic development and contributes to the happiness of mankind by creating value for various stakeholders such as customers, members, and society, and determines and improves ethical risks according to an ethical management process consisting of Prevention, Detection, and Response, using the Code of Ethics, which is the standard for correct behavior and value judgment that members must abide by, as the basic rules of ethical management.
SK materials performance recognizes ethical management as an important prerequisite for corporate sustainability, and strives to create a fair and transparent corporate culture and practice ethical management by establishing the following ethical management 3C(Code, Compliance, Consensus) system with the goal of zero corruption and the principle of zero tolerance for unethical and corruption acts.
SK materials performance has introduced the Fair Trade Compliance Program(CP) to preemptively respond to fair trade-related regulations and
more systematically fulfill its social responsibility to practice win-win cooperation.
In addition, it has established a fair trade compliance system by appointing a fair trade compliance manager and
establishing CP operation guidelines.
SK materials performance has established the principle of 'fair trade and competition' in the ethical management guidelines, and obligated
employees to clearly understand and comply with fair trade related laws and regulations and the company's CP operation guidelines. In addition,
the CP operating guidelines strictly prohibit unfair trade with competitors and counterparties through employees’ obligation clauses.
In addition, in order to protect the intellectual property rights and technical information of suppliers, SK materials performance stipulated Article
41(Provision of technical data, etc.) in the basic contract for goods transactions prepared at the time of transaction. This clause obligates it to fulfill
its confidentiality obligation as a recipient of information for materials provided by suppliers that require confidentiality.